Researches  & Publications


  • Natthanan Kunnamas Cultural identity of Ukraine a clash between the Ukrainization process and a nostalgic russification

    This research article is a part of the academic research entitled “Ukraine and the CAGE Model: An International Political Economy Analysis for Thailand’s Market Access Strategies into an Emerging Economy” In a complete version of this research, it has adopted CAGE Distance Model developed by Pankaj Ghemawat so as to assess all possible contingencies and to propose suggestions associated with facilitating relation with Ukraine. Thailand’s entry into this new-emerging market country after

    the collapse of the Soviet Union can be both a challenge and an opportunity at the same time. This article only puts an emphasis on the first component of Ghemawat’s theoretical concept, a Cultural Distance (C-Culture). Cultural identity of Ukraine is caught up in between two paths. The first one is an attempt to preserve a national identity of Ukraine or euphemistically called Ukrainization in the Western and Central areas. The second is a Russification, yearning for an old-time identity of

    the Soviet Union in the Eastern and the Southern areas. This article would give the images of a struggle between the two opposing forces via cultural formulation with the Ukrainian society, the correlation between national identity and politics, and the language and the obstacles regarding the construction of identity in Ukraine. The study reveals that even though the Ukrainian and the Russian blocs have a seemingly negative view of each other, the enmity among the civilians does not provide an

    unbearable tension which leads to a bitter antagonism and inflexible positions. However, it is likely that the elites have recourse to this schism in order to serve their political advantages.


    Natthanan Kunnamas Cultural identity of Ukraine a clash between the Ukrainization process and a nostalgic russification

  • Natthanan Kunnamas ทฤษฎีในการศึกษาสหภาพยุโรป : จากการบูรณาการนโยบายทางเลือก สู่กระบวนการยุโรปภิวัตน์

    The paper aims to provide the readers about theoretical developments and the changing paradigms regarding the study of the European Union affairs, which can be classified into three periods. 1) Integration theories dominated by the competing approaches of Neofunctionalism and Intergovernmentalism/Liberal Intergovernmentalism. The former neatly explained the events during 1950s until 1970s. Subsequent events led to its demise and gave rise to the latter in the mid 1960s and later in 1990s. 2)

    Alternative theories of Policy Studies based on political science and public administration theories i.e. New Institutionalism, Policy Networks, Multi-level Governance, Regulatory State and Supranational Governance. The academic focus began to understand the EU as ‘a dynamic political system’ due to the EU policy impacts on the member states after the establishment of the Single Market during 1990s. 3) Europeanization, a recently emerged approach in the studies of the European Union. It

    emphasizes that member states’ behaviours are changed through the engagement with the EU system. Moreover, the EU forms of political organization and governance goes beyond the European territory, shaping the regionalism in other areas.


    Natthanan Kunnamas ทฤษฎีในการศึกษาสหภาพยุโรป : จากการบูรณาการนโยบายทางเลือก สู่กระบวนการยุโรปภิวัตน์

  • Natthanan Kunnamas พัฒนาการด้านการเมืองของยูเครนภายหลังการล่มสลาย ความชะงักงันของประชาธิปไตยภายใต้ระบบการบริหารคู่

    Title: พัฒนาการด้านการเมืองของยูเครนภายหลังการล่มสลาย ความชะงักงันของประชาธิปไตยภายใต้ระบบการบริหารคู่
    Subjects: ยูเครน
    Issue Date: 2554
    Publisher: จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย

    วารสารยุโรปศึกษา จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย 19,2 (ก.ค.-ธ.ค. 2554) : 4-24
    ISSN: 0858-7795
    Appears in Collections: Pol - Journal Articles


    Natthanan Kunnamas พัฒนาการด้านการเมืองของยูเครนภายหลังการล่มสลาย ความชะงักงันของประชาธิปไตยภายใต้ระบบการบริหารคู่

  • Natthanan Kunnamas Old protectionism under post-colonial relationship in Thailand’s agricultural export to the EU

    Title: Old protectionism under post-colonial relationship in Thailand's agricultural export to the EU
    Subjects: Exports
    Issue Date: 2008
    Publisher: Chulalongkorn University
    Citation: Journal of European studies 16,2 (Jun-Dec.2008) : 130-193
    ISSN: 0858-7795
    Appears in Collections: Pol - Journal Articles


    Natthanan Kunnamas Old protectionism under post-colonial relationship in Thailand’s agricultural export to the EU
